These charming relatives of the Bleeding-Heart like a damp wooded hillside, more often a gentle slope than a steep incline. The flowers really do look like old-fashioned pairs of breeches hung upside-down to dry. “Pretty, but odd” is Gray’s description. These plants were growing in Bird Park in Mount Lebanon, where they were blooming in late March (in a year when spring came very early).
Gray describes the genus and the species:
DICÉNTRA Berah.Petals slightly cohering into a heart-shaped or 2-spurred corolla, either deciduous or withering-persistent. Stigma 2-crested and sometimes 2-horned. Filaments slightly united into two sets. Pod 10-20-seeded. Seeds crested. — Low stemless perennials (as to our wild species) with ternately compound and dissected leaves, and racemose nodding flowers. Pedicels 2-bracted. (Name from dis, twice, and kentron, a spur; —accidentally printed Diclytra in the first instance, which by an erroneous conjecture was changed afterwards into Dielytra.) Bikukulla Adans. Bicuculla Millsp.
* Raceme simple, few-flowered.
D. Cucullària (L.) Bernh. (Dutchman’s Breeches.) Scape and slender-petioled leaves from a sort of granulate bulb; lobes of leaves linear; corolla with 2 divergent spurs longer than the pedicel; crest of the inner petals minute. (Bicuculla Millsp.) — Rich woods, N. S. to L. Huron and Minn., s. to N. C. and Mo. — A very delicate plant, sending up in early spring, from the cluster of grain-like tubers crowded together in the form of a scaly bulb, the finely cut leaves and the slender scape, bearing 4-10 pretty, but odd, white flowers tipped with cream-color.
5 responses to “Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria)”
beautiful photo! are you willing to allow use of this photo for a print or art work ? Our science professor’s favorite flower!
You’re welcome to use the picture any way you like.
[…] relative of Bleeding-Hearts and Dutchman’s Breeches, not very common in Pittsburgh. This one was growing in the rocks beside a small stream in Frick […]
Somebody is using your photo for eBay auction:
Thank you for pointing that out. It seems to be a high compliment that the whole Internet could not come up with a better picture for someone to lift. Since these pictures make no money, I don’t worry very much about how they are used.