A rambling perennial that can take over a hillside, but rewards us with these gorgeous pea flower all summer long. This vine was blooming on a bank in Beechview.
For a description of the species, see the Lathyrus latifolius reference page.
A rambling perennial that can take over a hillside, but rewards us with these gorgeous pea flower all summer long. This vine was blooming on a bank in Beechview.
For a description of the species, see the Lathyrus latifolius reference page.
A vine that twines its way through the underbrush along creeks and streams, dangling clusters of flowers in white, pink, or purple. These flowers produce seeds, but the vine also grows less showy flowers near the ground that turn into a single underground seed, like a peanut. These vines were found in Bird Park in Mount Lebanon.
For a description of the species, see the Amphicarpaea bracteata reference page.
Cheery little rings of bright yellow pea flowers with vertical red stripes decorate roadsides, parking lots, and anywhere else they can gain a foothold. These were blooming by a parking lot in Robinson Township.
For a description of the species, see the Lotus corniculatus reference page.
Crown Vetch has become a nuisance invader in many areas, but its bicolor flowers are always a cheerful sight. It was a popular erosion-control planting, and the Pennsylvania Turnpike especially made frequent use of it. These plants were blooming on a roadside in Robinson Township.
For a description of the species, see the Securigera varia reference page.
It grows in every lawn, but unless you are obsessive about your grass, there is little to object to in this little weed. It is very easy to mow, it never grows very tall even without mowing, and it does the soil good. These flower heads were blooming in a lawn in Beechview.