Tag: Purple Dead-Nettle

  • Purple Archangel (Lamium purpureum)

    Lamium purpureum
    Photographed April 3.

    Also known as Purple Dead-Nettle, because the hairy roundish leaves reminded someone of nettles that don’t sting. This tiny flower is one of the first to appear in the spring, or even in the middle of winter if it gets a warm spell. It continues to bloom for most of the season, and it adds the very decorative touch of deep purple leaves to set off the lighter pinkish-purple flowers.

    Purple Archangel

    For a more thorough description, see the Lamium purpureum reference page.

  • Purple Archangel (Lamium purpureum)

    These delightful little flowers give us two or more months of solid bloom from late winter through mid-spring, and in addition to the flowers they have very decorative bronze-purple upper leaves. The only thing that keeps us from noticing them is that they are everywhere. If they were rarer, they would be loved; since they are in every lawn and sidewalk crack, they are ignored.

    This plant was blooming in Beechview, where it was photographed on May 5.

    For a full description, see the Lamium purpureum reference page.

  • Purple Archangel (Lamium purpureum)

    Lamium purpureum

    Also called Purple or Red Dead-Nettle, these little flowers are in full bloom right now in the middle of April. These tiny flowers pop up in lawns and along the edges of sidewalks. If they were larger or rarer, they would be garden treasures; their success makes them unappreciated. These pictures were taken in Beechview on April 12 and 14.

    For a fuller description, see the Lamium purpureum reference page.

    Purple Archangel
    Purple Dead-Nettle
    Red Dead-Nettle
    Lamium purpureum
    Lamium purpureum
  • Purple Archangel (Lamium purpureum)

    Photographed February 23.

    One of the first spring wildflowers, Purple Archangel or Purple Dead-Nettle can take advantage of a warm period in the middle of the winter to bloom for a few days. It is a very attractive flower on a small scale; as weeds go, this one is hard to object to very much.

    See the full description on the Lamium purpureum page at the reference site.