Although violet is the usual color of Viola sororia, a white form sometimes appears. This one was growing between the bricks of a sidewalk in Allegheny West.

For a description of the species, see the Viola sororia reference page.
Although violet is the usual color of Viola sororia, a white form sometimes appears. This one was growing between the bricks of a sidewalk in Allegheny West.
For a description of the species, see the Viola sororia reference page.
The fact that they are so common as to be nearly ubiquitous does not make these violets any less delightful. Here we see them blooming in the Seldom Seen Greenway near Saw Mill Run.
For a description of the species, see the Viola sororia reference page.
Common blue violets are everywhere, even in well-kept lawns, but each one still seems like a treasure. These were growing in the Kane Woods Nature Area in Scott Township, where they were photographed on May 5.
For a full description, see the Viola sororia reference page.