Category: Asteraceae

  • Late Thoroughwort (Eupatorium serotinum)


    We wind up the thoroughwort season with this late entry, whose dusty off-white puffs of raggedy flowers decorate roadsides and railroad rights-of-way in September and October. A close view reveals the inividual flowers that make up each head. This specimen grew through a crack in a disused parking lot in Oakmont.

    From Gray’s Manual of Botany: Eupatorium serotinum Michx. Stem pulverulent-pubescent, bushy-branched, 1-2 m. high ; leaves ovate-lanceolate, tapering to a point, triple-nerved and veiny, coarsely serrate, 0.5-1.5 dm. long ; involucre very pubescent. Alluvial ground, Md. to Minn., e. Kan., and south w.

  • Tall Ironweed (Vernonia altissima)


    No photograph can convey the vivid purple color of ironweed, one of our most spectacular late-summer flowers. A field of ironweed and goldenrod is a sight not easily forgotten. Two species are common in our area; Tall Ironweed is, as its name implies, taller than New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis), but otherwise very similar.

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)


    No matter how much suburbanites hate dandelions in their lawns, anyone with any aesthetic sense must grudgingly admit that the common dandelion is one of our most perfectly beautiful flowers.

  • Green-Headed Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata)


    Favors wet areas; these plants were spotted on the edge of a marshy pond in a small park in the Allegheny valley.