We are beginning to build this index, but at present it is very incomplete.
Common and botanical names are mixed in the same alphabet. Two-word common names are often listed twice: for example, Common Speedwell will be found under “Common Speedwell” and “Speedwell (Common).” We hope this arrangement makes things easier to find, but we also thought it might allow some interesting comparisons of common names.
- Achillea millefolium
- Actaea pachypoda
- Aegopodium podagraria
- Ageratina altissima
- Ailanthus altissima
- Ajuga reptans
- Alexanders (Golden)
- Alliaria petiolata
- Alsike Clover
- Althea (Shrubby)
- Amaranth (Purple)
- Amaranthus cruentus
- Amaranthus hybridus
- Amaranthus hypochondriacus
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia
- American Bellflower
- American Holly
- American Senna
- Amphicarpa bracteata
- Amphicarpaea bracteata
- Anagallis arvensis
- Anemone (False Rue)
- Appendaged Waterleaf
- Apple (Crab)
- Apple (May)
- Archangel (Purple)
- Arisaema triphyllum
- Arrowleaf Tearthumb
- Asclepias incarnata
- Asclepias syriaca
- Asclepias tuberosa
- Aster (Blue Wood)
- Aster (Calico)
- Aster (Heartleaf)
- Aster (New England)
- Aster (Purple-Stemmed)
- Aster (Red-Stemmed)
- Aster cordifolius
- Aster latiflorus
- Aster novae-angliae
- Aster puniceus
- Autumn Clematis
- Avens (White)
- Balm (Lemon)
- Barberry (Japanese)
- Basil (Wild)
- Beardtongue (Foxglove)
- Beauty (Spring)
- Bellflower (American)
- Bellwort (Large-Flowered)
- Berberis thunbergii
- Bergamot (Wild)
- Bet (Bouncing)
- Bethlehem (Star of)
- Bidens bipinnata
- Bidens frondosa
- Biennial Gaura
- Bindweed (Field)
- Bindweed (Hedge)
- Birdfoot Trefoil
- Bittercress (Hairy)
- Bittersweet (Oriental)
- Black Cherry
- Black Snakeroot (Clustered)
- Bladder Campion
- Bloody Butcher
- Bluebells (English)
- Bluebells (Virginia)
- Blue Phlox
- Blue Sailors
- Blue Wood Aster
- Bohemian Knotweed
- Bouncing Bet
- Bower (Virgin’s)
- Box (Rattle)
- Breeches (Dutchman’s)
- Broadleaf Toothwort
- Brunnera macrophylla
- Buds
- Bugles
- Bugloss (Siberian)
- Bur-Marigold
- Butcher (Bloody)
- Butter-and-Eggs
- Buttercup (Creeping)
- Buttercup (Hooked)
- Butterfly Weed
- Cabbage (Skunk)
- Calico Aster
- Calystegia sepium
- Campanula americana
- Campanulastrum americanum
- Campion (Bladder)
- Campion (White)
- Cardamine concatenata
- Cardamine diphylla
- Cardamine hirsuta
- Carpetweed
- Cassia hebecarpa
- Cassia marilandica
- Celandine
- Celandine (Lesser)
- Celandine Poppy
- Celastrus orbiculatus
- Cercis canadensis
- Chamaechrista fasciculata
- Cheeses
- Chelidonium majus
- Cherry (Black)
- Chickweed (Giant)
- Chickweed (Indian)
- Chickweed (Star)
- Chicory
- Chinese Sumac
- Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
- Cicely (Sweet)
- Cichorium intybus
- Cinquefoil (Common)
- Circaea canadensis
- Circaea lutetiana
- Claytonia virginica
- Clematis (Autumn)
- Clematis terniflora
- Clematis virginiana
- Climbing Nightshade
- Clinopodium vulgare
- Clover (Alsike)
- Clover (White)
- Clustered Black Snakeroot
- Coltsfoot
- Common Blue Violet
- Common Cinquefoil
- Common Dandelion
- Common Hops
- Common Mallow
- Common Milkweed
- Common Speedwell
- Coneflower (Purple)
- Conium maculatum
- Conoclinium coelestinum
- Convolvulus arvensis
- Convolvulus sepium
- Corn (Squirrel)
- Coronilla varia
- Crabapple
- Cranesbill
- Creeping Buttercup
- Creeping Jenny
- Crowfoot (Hooked)
- Crown Vetch
- Cut-Leaf Toothwort
- Daisy (Ox-Eye)
- Dame’s Rocket
- Dandelion
- Dandelion (Common)
- Daylily
- Dead-Nettle (Purple)
- Deadly Nightshade
- Delphinium tricorne
- Deptford Pink
- Desmodium canadense
- Devil’s Paintbrush
- Dianthus armeria
- Dicentra canadensis
- Dicentra candensis
- Dicentra cucullaria
- Dipsacus fullonum
- Doll’s Eyes
- Dragon (Purple)
- Duchesnea indica
- Dutchman’s Breeches
- Dwarf Larkspur
- Ear (Lamb’s)
- Early Meadow-Rue
- Ears (Lamb’s)
- Ears {Lamb’s)
- Echinacea purpurea
- Elder (Ground)
- Elecampane
- Enchanter’s Nightshade
- Enemion biternatum
- English Bluebells
- Epipactis helleborine
- Eupatorium altissimum
- Eupatorium coelestinum
- Eupatorium fistulosum
- Eupatorium rugosum
- Euphorbia marginata
- Euthamia graminifolia
- Eutrochium fistulosum
- Evening Primrose
- Everlasting Pea
- Galium odoratum
- Garden Phlox
- Garlic Mustard
- Gaura (Biennial)
- Gaura biennis
- Geranium (Wild)
- Geranium maculatum
- Geum canadense
- Giant Chickweed
- Gill-over-the-Ground
- Glechoma hederacea
- Glory (Morning)
- Golden Alexanders
- Golden Ragwort
- Goldenrod (Lance-Leaved)
- Goldenrod (Zigzag)
- Goutweed
- Great Laurel
- Great White Trillium
- Ground Elder
- Ground Ivy
- Hairy Bittercress
- Hawkweed (Orange)
- Heal-All
- Heartleaf Aster
- Heaven (Tree of)
- Hedge Bindweed)
- Helenium Autumnale
- Helleborine
- Hemerocallis fulva
- Hemlock (Poison)
- Henbit (Spotted)
- Hesperis matronalis
- Hibiscus syriacus
- Hieraceium aurantiacum
- Hog Peanut
- Hollow Joe-Pye-Weed
- Holly (American)
- Honeysuckle (Japanese)
- Hooked Buttercup
- Hooked Crowfoot
- Hops (Common)
- Humulus lupulus
- Hyacinthoides non-scripta
- Hydrophyllum appendiculatum
- Hydrophyllum virginianum
- Hypericum perforatum
- Lady’s-Thumb (Oriental)
- Lamb’s Ear
- Lamb’s Ears
- Lamium maculatum
- Lamium purpureum
- Lam’s Ears
- Lance-Leaved Goldenrod
- Laportea canadensis
- Large-Flowered Bellwort
- Larkspur (Dwarf)
- Lathyrus latifolius
- Laurel (Great)
- Lemon Balm
- Lesser Celandine
- Lesser Forget-Me-Not
- Leucanthemum vulgare
- Lily (Day)
- Lily (Water)
- Linaria vulgaris
- Linum usitatissimum
- Liriodenron tulipifera
- Lobelia inflata
- Lonicera japonica
- Lotus corniculatus
- Love-in-a-Mist
- Love Vine
- Lysimachia arvensis
- Lysimachia nummularia
- Mallow (Common)
- Malus coronaria
- Malva neglecta
- Malva rotundifolia
- Marigold (Bur)
- Mayapple
- Meadow Rue (Early)
- Melissa officinalis
- Menispermum canadense
- Mertensia virginica
- Milfoil
- Milkweed (Common)
- Milkweed (Rose)
- Milkweed (Swamp)
- Mist (Love in a)
- Mistflower
- Mitella diphylla
- Miterwort
- Mock Strawberry
- Mock Strawberyy
- Mollugo verticillata
- Monarda fistulosa
- Moonseed
- Morning Glory
- Moss Rose
- Moth Mullein
- Mullein (Moth)
- Mustard (Garlic)
- Myosotis laxa
- Myosoton aquaticum
- Packera aurea
- Paintbrush (Devil’s)
- Palm (Pittsburgh)
- Pansy
- Partridge Pea
- Pea (Everlasting)
- Pea (Partridge)
- Pea (Perennial Sweet)
- Peanut (Hog)
- Penstemon digitalis
- Perennial Sweet Pea
- Persian Jewels
- Persian Speedwell
- Persicaia sagittata
- Petunia
- Petunia × atkinsiana
- Phlox (Blue)
- Phlox (Garden)
- Phlox (Woodland)
- Phlox divaricata
- Phlox paniculata
- Pilosella aurantiaca
- Pimpernel (Scarlet)
- Pink
- Pink (Deptford)
- Pittsburgh Palm
- Plantaginaceae
- Podophyllum peltatum
- Poison Hemlock
- Polygonatum pubescens
- Polygonum cespitosum
- Polygonum cuspidatum
- Polygonum sagittatum
- Polygonum x bohemicum
- Poppy (Celandine)
- Portulaca grandiflora
- Portulaca oleracea
- Potentilla indica
- Potentilla simplex
- Primrose (Evening)
- Prince’s Feather
- Prunella vulgaris
- Prunus serotina
- Purple-Stemmed Aster
- Purple Amaranth
- Purple Archangel
- Purple Coneflower
- Purple Dead-Nettle
- Purple Dragon
- Purslane
- Ragweed
- Ragwort (Golden)
- Ranunculus ficaria
- Ranunculus recurvatus
- Ranunculus repens
- Rattlebox
- Red-Stemmed Aster
- Redbud
- Reynoutria japonica
- Rhododendron
- Rhododendron Maximum
- Rhus typhina
- Rosa multiflora
- Rose (Moss)
- Rose (Multiflora)
- Rose (Seven Sisters)
- Rose Milkweed
- Rose of Sharon
- Rue (Early Meadow)
- Rue-Anemone (False)
- Rwynoutria x bohemica
- Sailors (Blue)
- Sanicula gregaria
- Saponaria officinalis
- Satureja vulgaris
- Scarlet Pimpernel
- Seal (Solomon’s)
- Securigera varia
- Sedum album
- Sedum ternatum
- Senecio aureus
- Senna (American)
- Senna (Wild)
- Senna hebecarpa
- Shade (Toad)
- Sharon (Rose of)
- Showy Tick-Trefoil
- Shrubby Althea
- Siberian Bugloss
- Silene latifolia
- Skunk Cabbage
- Smaller Forget-Me-Not
- Snakeroot (Clustered Black)
- Snakeroot (White)
- Sneezeweed
- Snow-on-the-Mountain
- Soapwort
- Solanum dulcamara
- Solidago flexicaulis
- Solidago latifolia
- Solomon’s Seal
- Spanish Needles
- Speedwell (Common)
- Speedwell (Persian)
- Spiderwort
- Spiraea (Japanese)
- Spiraea japonica
- Spotted Henbit
- Spring Beauty
- Squirrel Corn
- St.-John’s-Wort
- Stachys byzantina
- Staghorn Sumac
- Star Chickweed
- Star of Bethlehem
- Stellaria aquatica
- Stellaria pubera
- Stonecrop (White)
- Stonecrop (Wild)
- Strawberry (Indian)
- Strawberry (Mock)
- Stylophorum diphyllum
- Sumac (Chinese)
- Sumac (Staghorn)
- Swamp Milkweed
- Sweet Cicely
- Sweet Pea (Perennial)
- Symphyotrichum cordifolium
- Symphyotrichum latiflorum
- Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
- Symphyotrichum puniceum
- Symplocarpus foetidus
- Tall Ironweed
- Tall Thoroughwort
- Taraxacum officinale
- Tearthumb (Arrowleaf)
- Teasel
- Thalictrum dioicum
- Thoroughwort (Tall)
- Tiarella cordifolia
- Tick-Trefoil (Showy)
- Toadflax
- Toadshade
- Tobacco (Indian)
- Toothwort
- Toothwort (Broadleaf)
- Toothwort (Cut-Leaf)
- Touch-Me-Not (Orange)
- Tradescantia virginiana
- Traveler’s Joy
- Tree (Tulip)
- Tree of Heaven
- Trefoil (Birdfoot)
- Trifolium hybridum
- Trifolium repens
- Trillium (Great White)
- Trillium erectum
- Trillium grandiflorum
- Trillium recurvatum
- Trillium sessile
- Trumpetweed
- Tulip Tree
- Tussilago farfara
- Wake-Robin
- Waterleaf (Appendaged)
- Waterleaf (Virginia)
- Water Lily
- Weed (Butterfly)
- Weed (Hollow Joe-Pye)
- Weed (Trumpet)
- White Avens
- White Campion
- White Clover
- white deptford pink
- White Snakeroot
- White Stonecrop
- Wild Basil
- Wild Bergamot
- Wild Geranium
- Wild Senna
- Wild Stonecrop
- Wood Aster (Blue)
- Woodland Phlox
- Wood Nettle
- Woodruff